IP Journal of Paediatrics and Nursing Science


Table of Contents

Year-2020 | Volume: 3 | Issue 2

Biomarkers in dentin pulp complex

Author : Shaik Ali Hassan, Sumit Bhateja, Geetika Arora, Francis Prathyusha

Doi : http://doi.org/10.18231/j.ijpns.2020.008   Page No : 34-37

[Abstract] [Full Text HTML] [PDF] [EPub] [View (1567)] [Download (703)]

Effect of COVID-19 on children

Author : Shaik Ali Hassan, Sumit Bhateja, Geetika Arora, Francis Prathyusha

Doi : http://doi.org/10.18231/j.ijpns.2020.009   Page No : 38-42

[Abstract] [Full Text HTML] [PDF] [EPub] [View (1919)] [Download (900)]

Leukaemia in children

Author : Shaik Ali Hassan, Sumit Bhateja, Geetika Arora, Francis Prathyusha

Doi : http://doi.org/10.18231/j.ijpns.2020.010   Page No : 43-48

[Abstract] [Full Text HTML] [PDF] [EPub] [View (1168)] [Download (522)]

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