Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 1, Issue : 3, Year : 2018
Article Page : 64-67
The Government of India has launched a Programme called the Adolescent Reproductive and Sexual Health Programme under National Rural Health Mission as a part of RCH. This focus on ARSH and special interventions for the betterment of adolescent health, but due to various reasons the services are not being utilised by adolescents.
AIM: To analyze the effectiveness of a selected National Health Programme ( AHFS) at Rural PHC, Bengaluru.
Methodology: The research used in this study was survey approach with the analytical design. Primary Data was collected by using Pre- designed observational checklist for situational analysis of Health Centre according IPHS standards for PHC. The data from service providers was collected using Pre- designed Semi structured interview schedule and observational checklist through participatory method and service recipients Harohalli, Rural PHC Semi structured interview schedule was administered to adolescents and their parents to gather the data. Secondary Data were gathered from Reports and Records available at Health Centre, Anganawadis and School were reviewed.
Results: All the adolescents who were interviewed were girls and were unmarried. Health providers involved in study, nearly three fourth 64% were in age group 30-35years, 20% of them were in the age group 25- 30years and 16% of them were in the age group of 35- 40years. Majority of parents 64% had completed their primary schooling and nearly half of 36% were secondary passed. The quality of AFHS service provided by Health care provider -Doctors 60.86%, Staff Nurses 59.41%, Jr HA 42.02%, BHEO 47.82%, LHV 58.69%, AWW 36.95%, ASHAs 17.39%, HI 19.56%, Head Master 28.26%, Teachers 13.04%. Doctors and Staff nurse revealed that adolescents usually visited PHC with other medical issues, menstrual discomforts, pain and sometimes with white discharge. It was revealed that, adolescents do not come to PHC because they feel shy and they are impatient, most of the health providers said that they are unable to talk to adolescent about reproductive health, sexual health and use of contraceptives. The interesting findings in the study were barriers of utilization of AFHS services- not seeking treatment were, 32% of them felt health issues are not serious, 80% felt shy, 52% were unaware of services provided.
Keywords: Adolescents, Service provider, Service recipient, Adolescent friendly health services, Primary health centre.
How to cite : Roy A, Rekha S. G, Effectiveness of Adolescence Friendly Health Services (AFHS) in India – Strategic plan of action to increase the efficacy in Bengaluru urban PHCs. J Paediatr Nurs Sci 2018;1(3):64-67
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