Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 1, Issue : 3, Year : 2018
Article Page : 55-57
For many couples, infertility is an invisible loss- one that is very personal and oftentimes is not understood by friends and family. Adoption can be a wonderful avenue for couples facing infertility to make their dreams of parenthood come true, it is important that they first process their emotions regarding their infertility. Couples need to make a conscious move from their first choice of raising a biological child, to their next choice, of growing a family through adoption. The aim of the study is to assess the attitude towards child adoption among infertile couples attending infertility clinics in Jabalpur of Madhya Pradesh. A descriptive survey was used as the study design to assess attitude of infertile couples regarding child adoption and also to associate demographic variables like age, sex socio-economic status and habitat. This study was conducted on 60 infertile couples in selected infertility clinics of Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh. The data were collected through socio demographic data and standardized Adoption Belief Scale. ABS). The scale consists of 10 items where participants respond to a 4 point scale ranging from 1 “strongly agree” to 4 “strongly disagree”. Higher score indicates greater acceptance of adoption. Data was analyzed by using SPSS 20.0 Version.
The finding of the study shows that majority 25(41.6%) samples were between 31-35 years of age, 19(31.67%) were between 36-40, 12(20%) were between 25-30 years of age and 4(6.67%) were between 41-45 years of age. In the category gender, there were females in majority 35(58.66%) and 25(41.67%) male. In years of married life majority 28(46.67%) were between 4-6 yrs. The commonest category in the socio-economic status was 33(55%) in the Upper middle class category. Majority 42(70%) of people were from urban area who attended the IVF clinic at the time of study.
Based on the objectives and hypothesis the data was analyzed by using descriptive and inferential statistics i.e. mean, percentage and standard deviation. Chi square test was applied to test the hypothesis. There was a significant association of selected demographic variable i.e. age with the attitude score at p<0>
Keywords: Child adoption, Infertility, Attitude, Infertility clinic, Infertile couples
How to cite : Ignatius R I, Gupta M, Attitude towards child adoption among infertile couples attending infertility clinics. J Paediatr Nurs Sci 2018;1(3):55-57
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