Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 7, Issue : 3, Year : 2024
Article Page : 101-108
Introduction: Poly Cystic Ovarian Disease is a common endocrine disorder which is difficult to define because there is no single abnormality or diagnostic test that defines the syndrome. But different studies on PCOD shows the life style changes, food pattern and several other factors were involved in the development of PCOD. It is very important for women to take care of their health during their reproductive years because much reproductive health related problems can arise during this period. So it is important to know the risk factors of PCOD, to reduce the morbidity level.
Materials and Methods: A case control study was carried out in hospital and in community. Three groups were selected: hospital cases, hospital controls and community controls with 50 samples in each group selected by purposive sampling technique. The data was collected using semi structured questionnaire using interview method. Approximately 10- 15 mins was taken by the study participants to answer the questions. By using Odds ratio the risk factors for PCOD were found out.
Results: The risk factors identifiedwere medical history of other than PCOD (OR= 25.242), regular periods (OR=0.027), number of child (OR=7.667), taking milk (OR= 0.288) among hospital cases and hospital controls. Among hospital cases and community controls education (OR=5.167), BMI (OR= 4.25), Marital status (OR= 6), number of children (OR=40.773), taking tea (OR= 0.278), not doing exercise (OR= 0.255) were the risk factors identified. From the findings, it is evident that women with no children are 41 times at higher risk of getting PCOD when compared with women having children.
Conclusion: The study concludes that risk factors can be identified for PCOD. This will assist the community health nurse to take up preventive measures to bring down the morbidity rate.
Keywords: PCOD, Risk factors, Women, Reproductive age group
How to cite : Murugesan M ., Ramasamy A, Venkat A, To identify the risk factors of poly cystic ovarian disease [PCOD] among women in reproductive age group at selected areas of puducherry –A case control study. J Paediatr Nurs Sci 2024;7(3):101-108
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Received : 20-07-2024
Accepted : 29-07-2024
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