Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 7, Issue : 1, Year : 2024
Article Page : 4-7
Purpose/Aim: The study was to understand knowledge regarding disaster preparedness among nursing interns and to determine the association between the knowledge scores with socio demographic variables.
Materials and Methods: A descriptive survey design was adopted by using Purposive Sampling techniques among 75 Nursing Interns and collected data using structured knowledge questionnaire was used to collect the data based on expert’s validation and inclusion criteria of the study.
Results: The study highlighted that majority 58.66% (44) of the samples belongs to moderate knowledge and 38.6% (29) samples belongs to inadequate knowledge, 2.66% (2) samples belong to adequate knowledge. There are many studies conducted which supporting to the study.
Conclusion: Finally, the researchers concluded the findings of the study clearly showed that there was Moderate Knowledge on disaster preparedness among nursing interns, thus study recommended to conduct seminar and simulation training programme to the nursing interns on current practice to save the lives of the nation through disaster preparedness.
Keywords: Disaster, Descriptive, Nursing officers
How to cite : Taj N, Zeanath Cj, Vani R, Knowledge regarding disaster preparedness among nursing interns undergoing clinical training at R.L. Jalappa Hospital and Research Center. Kolar, to develop information handout. J Paediatr Nurs Sci 2024;7(1):4-7
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Received : 21-11-2023
Accepted : 23-12-2023
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