Review Article
Author Details :
Volume : 5, Issue : 1, Year : 2022
Article Page : 5-9
Today’s children are tomorrow’s citizen with this statement it’s very important that children’s health is a vital parameter to be protected. Children of all ages, and from all countries, have being affected by the socioeconomic impacts and, in some cases, by mitigation measures that may inadvertently do more harm than good. Moreover, the harmful effects of this pandemic are not distributed equally. The consequences proved to be more disastrous.In extreme cases, children suffered from predicament like mental illness and physical trauma. Mental illness like depression characterized by low mood, tiredness, pessimism, poor sleep, and appetite, feeling helpless, guilty, and hopeless, with a gradual reduction in work output and physical illness which they suffer were fatigue, anemia, malnutrition dehydration respiratory distress cold, fever pneumonia etc.. Older children were more vulnerable because they are much exposed in the society therefore special care must be taken for them. Negative impact of Covid 19 during pandemic can profoundly affect growth and development of child. These negative impacts could be related to rise in poverty levels, food insecurity disrupted healthcare and other personal factors such as demise of caregivers and psychological stress. For this all problems we have to prioritize the continuity of child –centered services with a particular focus on equity of access-particularly in relation to schooling, nutrition programmed immunization and other maternal and new-born care. Also, the health education needed for parents provides practical support to parents and caregivers including how to talk about the pandemic with children, how to manage their own mental health and the mental health of their children, and tools to help support their children’s learning.
Keywords: Mental Illness, Physical Trauma, Pneumonia
How to cite : Bobade P M, Domingo N, ImpactofCovid-19onchildrenphysicalandmentalhealth. J Paediatr Nurs Sci 2022;5(1):5-9
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Received : 25-01-2022
Accepted : 02-03-2022
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