Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 4, Issue : 3, Year : 2021
Article Page : 90-92
Mobile learning, also known as m-Learning, is defined as the need and ability to learn through virtual media, such as personal electronic gadgets, social interactions, and content. A mixed method research was conducted using Concurrent mixed method research design among PG students to know their opinion on m-learning. Google forms were used for collecting data. Themes identified were self learning, convenient/practical, new experience and stress free. The study concludes that m-learning can be used as teaching learning tool and students have positive opinion on its use even though the role of teacher is inevitable.Mobile technology is the future for higher education.
Keywords: Mobile Learning, Opinion, Mixed Methodology
How to cite : Navaneetha M, Mony K, Opinion of students on Mobile learning as a tool for classroom teaching and learning. J Paediatr Nurs Sci 2021;4(3):90-92
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Received : 09-09-2021
Accepted : 18-09-2021
Viewed: 1336
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