Inappropriate coping with developing age often become a health issue for children. Temper tantrum is one of such behaviour of toddler which occurs as a result of extreme anger and frustration that exhibited with an episode of crying and screaming. Though temper tantrum is normal among toddler, but it may continue till late childhood. The abnormal tantrum continues till 4 years or later, lasting for 15 minutes or more with persistent negative moods. Tantrum behaviour is preventable to a great extent by recognising the triggering factors. Appropriate handing of temper tantrum decreases stress in children and care provider, as well as useful for learning self-control and for maintenance of normal physiological parameter. Appropriate management of temper tantrums is valuable for developing social competence and academic success. Lack of awareness and inappropriate handing of temper tantrum increases the risk of physical abuse, depression, anxiety and other abusive behaviour in adulthood. Parents and health care provider should know the technique of managing temper tantrum in children and to promote normal development.
Key words- Temper tantrum, Developmental character, Toddler, Prevention & Management